The Excellent EdVenture Episode 11.

Listeners are in for a special treat this week as Episode 11 marks the first ever ExcellentEdVenture episode with a special guest! After an inspiring introduction of Penn State alum and Elementary School Principal Karl Funseth, Rick gets things going by hosting a Christmas Trivia Challenge. Nick and Karl square off answering Challenging Christmas questions in an attempt to claim the title – King of Christmas. After the crowning of a champion, the guys discuss a few Christmassy bonus questions.

It’s Nick’s turn to share a blog this week and he continues the holiday theme with a reading of “Big Faith.” Nick, Karl, and Rick discuss their reactions and responses to the challenging issues under consideration. Rick struggles with his different reactions to having faith in people versus having faith in God. All three guys seem to fall squarely into the “optimist” category with how they might respond to the hypothetical under consideration. Nick and Karl go on to consider the issues from a vocational perspective and how some of the parents of students that they work with lack faith and trust in the educational system. Rick shares some counseling insights into building trust and faith from a therapeutic perspective.

In the “Building the Brochure” segment, Dr. Nick and Dr. Rick interview Principal Funseth. Karl responds to the first question by talking about some of the most significant challenges in public education. He talks about staffing shortages, making up lost academic ground with students, and the frustrations of getting some parents to follow through with support services to help their kids. But things aren’t all “doom and gloom.” Karl offers some inspiring positives for working with kids and the unpredictability that each day working in a school offers. Rick then switches things up by inviting Karl to talk about his two eldest kiddos who are finishing up their first semesters in college and away from home. Karl shares some of the difficulties, learning, and growing experiences that he and his wife have experienced over the past few months. He also talks about the college search process and what it has been like for his kids being away from home and each other (twins) for the first time. Parents of kids looking at colleges, approaching graduation, and/or away from home for the first time will appreciate Karl’s vulnerable sharing and wise insight into what the entire experience has been like for him and his family over the past year.

The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment focuses on Indiana Jones movies this week. While not 100% consensus, there is surprisingly similar responses from the guys this week. All three gentlemen, for varying reasons, place Crystal Skull and Temple of Doom on the thorny side of the conversation, with Raiders and The Last Crusade firmly in the rosy column. There are some differing opinions, however, regarding reactions to the trailer for The Dial of Destiny.

The last segment finds the guys digging back into the mailbag. Rick reveals that he has been hanging onto a question for a few weeks from a couple of undergraduate education majors from the guys’ alma mater – Penn State University. They take turns responding to the question about what surprised them the most after graduating and heading into public education. The last question is home-grown from Rick’s nine year old son Toby who asks the guys to consider the best and worst Sith from the Star Wars Universe. Nick and Karl identify some lesser known baddies as favorites while Rick goes with Kylo Ren over Darth Vader.

Enjoy Episode Eleven of Nick & Rick’s Excellent EdVenture!