Rick gets things started today sharing about his family’s recent RV trip to the Florida Keys and dolphin adventure at the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon, FL. Nick talks about the crazy week back at school after the holiday break, perhaps connected to a full moon or a Wolf-moon.

Dr. Rick reads through his blog from this past week – “Pencils and Erasers.” Dr. Nick shares his reactions and the benefits of considering work in the helping professions as a “calling.” Educators will want to consider the meaning and purpose of their work to fuel optimal passion and performance.   

In the “Building the Brochure” segment, Dr. Nick and Dr. Rick continue their investigation of Edutopia’s ten most impactful research studies from 2022. The guys review #5 this week – “Brain Breaks are Misunderstood and Underutilized.” The importance of taking breaks to improve cognitive function is reviewed and Dr. Nick provides some great insight related to physical conditioning for consideration. Dr. Nick also shares some great tips for teachers and school counselors to help students with emotional regulation. Dr. Rick recommends go noodle and the added benefits of taking those breaks in “green” environments. The guys realize that they have only scratched the surface of this important topic with so much more to learn and uncover.  

The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment this week provides the guys an opportunity to discuss 80’s Hair Bands. Nick has an unconventional (and perhaps controversial) choice for both his rose as well as his thorn with lesser known – Dokken. Rick shares his love for Def Leopard and Bon Jovi, while admitting that he just doesn’t know much from Van Halen or Cinderella’s catalog. Nick tasks Rick with listening to Van Halen’s 51/50. Rick, meanwhile, recommends listening to Chris Daughtry’s new cover of “Separate Ways.”

The last segment finds the guys digging back into the mailbag to respond to fan questions. Rick and Nick try their best to respond to a couple from Arizona who are considering having children and share a little about their upcoming presentation in Scottsdale. Both then consider what they would tell their 22 year old selves if they had five minutes to talk. Rick gives a quick update on his review of Top Gun: Maverick before the guys turn it over to Rufus to bring it home.

Enjoy Episode XIV of Nick & Rick Christmas’s Excellent EdVenture!