The Excellent EdVenture Episode 5.

Once upon a time, two righteous dudes began their podcast by discussing Stephen King’s latest novel – “Fairytale. Spoiler alert – Nick and Rick give the “King’s” latest book (and audiobook) two enthusiastic thumbs up, but are careful not to spoil this gem for anyone else.

In this week’s blog, Dr. Nick covers important information for parents and educators about the latest social media challenge making its way from social media into school hallways and cafeterias. The One Chip Challenge is the culprit this time, which is causing disgust and disruption in his and many other schools across the nation.

Associate Professor of Counseling – Dr. Rick – gets things started in this week’s Building the Brochure segment as the guys dig back into Developmental Assets #5 & #6 from the 40 Developmental Assets. Rick has some ideas for how school counselors, in particular, can help nurture #5 – providing a Caring School Climate. Nick then takes the lead discussing #6 – Parent Involvment in Schooling. Nick provides some innovative ideas that other School Administrators will want to hear!

The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment revolves around Scary Movies this week. Difficulty sleeping seems to be a theme as the guys discuss some of their favorite and not so favorite things about watching scary movies. Nick and Rick share some of their favorite and least favorite thrillers as well.

The guys then try to make a dent into the everygrowing and overflowing mailbag in the last segment to respond to more fan questions. The first letter is from a concerned mom about her two teenage daughters’ cell phone usage and social media. Nick then responds to a listener who wants to know more about his tatoos. Nick is happy to share the timeline for his ink, how many he has, what he has had done, and offers some valuable recommendations along the way.

Enjoy Riding along with Nick and Rick for this week’s Excellent EdVenture!



Conquest Tattoo ( Gibby Sholette (