Episode 8 begins with a Fast Feud Challenge – Thanksgiving style! Rick challenges Nick with five turkey-themed Family-Feud-esque questions, setting the stage for the guys to share a bit about their holiday.
Dr. Rick takes the lead on the blog reading this week, entitled “Are You Holding Your Water?” They guys discuss the dangers of ruminating and cognitive-behavioral approaches for helping kids, helping others, and helping ourselves cope with challenging circumstances.
In the “Building the Brochure” segment, Dr. Nick and Dr. Rick continue their investigation into Search Institute’s research on the 40 Developmental Assets. This week, they share experiences and reactions to the assets number Eleven: Family boundaries—Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the young person’s whereabouts. The guys discuss Life360, important talks with kids about social media, balancing privacy and valuing autonomy with safe monitoring and boundaries. Rick also discusses his thoughts and personal experiences relevant to an approach to parenting called “goodness of fit parenting, which takes personalities of both kids and parents into consideration. The conversation then shifts to developmental asset number Twelve: School Boundaries—School provides clear rules and consequences. Nick shares important insight into how schools grapple with consistency in applying consequences and Rick shares a few relevant and free resources for teachers and counselors to encourage good student decision-making.
The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment focuses on ranking the Rocky movies – from least excellent to most excellent. There is agreement on the thorny nature of Rocky V, but the guys discuss different takes on the Creed movies and Rocky IV.
The last segment finds the guys digging back into the mailbag to respond to more fan questions. Nick and Rick respond to a question from Larry in Alabama who asks about the timing of taking down Christmas decorations. The guys wrap up this episode by responding a middle school teacher who suggests using yoga and mindfulness to practice self-care.
Enjoy Round Eight of Nick & Rick’s Excellent EdVenture!