Nick gets things started by revealing his big mistake with thanksgiving leftovers. Rick jumps in to share a little bit about his family’s recent visit to the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta and the Jim Hensen exhibit in particular.

Dr. Nick provides a stirring reading of this week’s Star-Wars-esque blog, entitled “Train Yourself to Let Go of Everything You Fear to Lose” Dr. Rick talks a bit about how the story resonates with him professionally and spiritually. Nick talks about how the challenges of restraint impact him as a principal and as a father of two teenage girls. 

In the “Building the Brochure” segment, Dr. Nick and Dr. Rick continue their investigation into Search Institute’s research on the 40 Developmental Assets. Rick kicks things off by sharing some research findings from the Search Institute in regards to how many of the 40 assets most kids typically have and how that number changes over time. After that, it is time to address specific assets, beginning with number Fifteen: Positive peer influence—Young person’s best friends model responsible behavior. The guys talk about the importance of knowing your kids’ friends and the benefits of getting to know their friends’ families as well. The conversation then shifts to developmental asset number Sixteen: High expectations—Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the young person to do well. Rick and Nick share a bit about their personal experiences with coaches who demanded and inspired them to do their best.

The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment this week sees the guys discussing Star Wars once again, this time, debating favorite and least favorite Jedi Knights. Nick has excellent reasons for picking Yoda as his rose, while Rick shares his rationale for selecting Qui Gon Jinn. On the thornier side and somewhat controversially….Nick picks Mace Windu, while Rick goes with “Grumpy Old Luke.”

The last segment finds the guys once again digging back into the mailbag to respond to fan questions. Rick respond to a question from Rishi from Maryland who is seeking information and resources on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well as additional insight regarding counseling theories. The guys wrap up this episode by responding to a fan by sharing some most delicious advice for mastering the creation of Frozen Yoo Hoo.

Enjoy Episode IX of Nick & Rick’s Excellent EdVenture!